(270) 723-1116


Trackman League

When: January 14th - February 23rd

Time: Whenever you can be here throughout the week. 30 minutes/week and unlimited attempts!

Cost: $250 covers 18 holes ahead of time as well as your first attempt for all 6 weeks!

View the Rules

Youth League

When: February 4 - March 1

Time: Play once a week for 2 hours. Either Tuesday Nights or Saturday mornings.

Cost: $300 per team of 4

View the Rules

Season Long League

A first time league where you will compete against others with a season long "tour" schedule. There will be 6 total events to play in. 4 of the events will be regular tournaments and 2 of them will be SimuGolf  "Majors." Weekly and season long prizes will be given to top finishers and randomly drawn winners, as well! Rules posted here soon!